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Vi er stolte af at kunne danne rammerne om én af efterårets helt store koncertoplevelser i samarbejde med Smash!Bang!Pow! Dobbeltkoncert med irske Girl Band og amerikanske Algiers:


GIRL BAND (IE, Rough Trade)

Noiserockbandet Girl Band er en kvartet fra Dublin, Irland. Bandet startede i 2011 og har lige siden turneret Europa og USA og fået enorm medvind på deres vej. De har udgivet en række singler, og i september 2015 kommer deres første og længe ventede fuldlænge album på Rough Trade Records.

Girl Band har hentet musikalsk indflydelse fra klassisk techno til post-punk, noise og industrial. Deres live show er kendt for at være intenst, energisk og ikke mindst højt – hvilket vi oplevede på dette års Roskilde Festival.

“It’s hard to overstate how heart-stopping it is to see these four guys from Dublin play live, but I’ll say they make it sound like the whole world is going to literally explode in a massive, interstellar ball of fire. It’s the end of everything and they’re both indifferent and full of rage.“ NPR

“You ever have one of those days when everything just sucks so goddamn much? Your wife divorces you and your mom dies; then at the end of the day, you Dutch-oven yourself in an ALF sheet on your best friend’s futon. I can’t tell you what this record did for my misery.” VICE


ALGIERS (US, Matador Records)

Debutaktuelle Algiers er med deres blanding af post punk og neo-gospel, hvilket de selv kalder “post-worldbeat”, et af de få helt originale bands.

Med post-punk ala Interpol blandet med synth-drevet soul, den karismatiske forsanger Franklin James Fisher’s råb og besværgelse, håndklap og skarpe politiske emner, må du forberede dig på at blive både henrykt og udfordret. Måske endda provokeret. Den punkagtige aggression er til et større formål mere end blot en musikalsk effekt – som starten på en revolution.

“It’s unlikely that this album will achieve legendary status but there are more than enough signs here to suggest something massive might be around the corner” music OMH

“You might think that my ears deceive me, or that I have used the Bank Holiday to over-indulge to such an extent that I’m not hearing straight, but just give this album a listen, one solitary, initially dispassionate listen, and you just see if the combination of impassioned Sixties and Seventies soul, dark Mancunian-influenced driving synth beats and straight up rapturous rabble-rousing does not completely entrance you.” Drowned in Sound

“Rather than promote uplift, out-of-body ecstasy, and communion with the heavens, Algiers weigh you down with the burden of American history, a despair born of centuries of systemic oppression, and the soul-crushing futility of hoping for a change that never comes.” Pitchfork

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